Thursday, 5 May 2011

Blog 6

My Final Reflection
Finally I am done with my blogging. This was a real challenging experience for me as I have never heard about blogging before. I was not able to create my blog but once I learnt to create my blog I did not know how to post my blog. I made a hell lot of mass to my work. I got some help from my classmates and do really appreciate their help. I was too nervous to post my first blog but when I posted it I lost my blog. I appreciate my lectures help as it took her minutes to solve my problem. I am now able to blog and finally completed my assignment. This blog of mine might not be a good one but regularly using the blog will develop my skills and built my confidence. I have not only extended children’s learning but I have also gained knowledge about technology. I did receive some comment from my classmates which is very useful and was encouraging for me.
It is interesting to read other students blog and the different types of technology been identified. It was good to see how children’s learning was promoted about technology in early childhood environment.
Children go through childhood receiving information through television, books, computer screens and electronic games. Most of today’s children have not lived in a non-computerised society and therefore are curious and knowledgeable about technologies of today and tomorrow. Children learn more and are keener to do so when they are having fun in the learning process. Technology can cater for so many needs of the children such as improve their language skills, develop gross motor skills, develop literacy skills, enhance creativity, learn to solve problem and children can access information and investigate. There are greater opportunities for grouping children resulting in a more social nature to learning. Technologies provide an opportunity for children to communicate with children and the educators as they will be able to develop their confidence and become competent learners. (Tsantis, L., Bewick, C., & Thornton, S. 2003)
Educators must use new technologies in ways that promote the benefits of these technologies towards learning whilst limiting the issues associated with them. Society is constantly changing and children are immersed in this ever changing world. In order for children to learn in this world there has to be educators who take responsibility and utilise new technologies to teach new knowledge. Until this is realised and acted upon, education will fall behind in producing effective learning for children now and into the future. (Smorit, 1999)

Smorti, S. (1999). Technology in Early Childhood. Early Education, No.19 Autumn
TsantTsantis, L., Bewick, C., & Thornton, S. (2003). Examining some common myths about computers in the early years. Young Children on the Web, November 2003, 1-9.

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